Expansion Zones And Tourist Sites

Mineral baths

Relizane has many hot sources, with an estimated number of around (26) sources distributed throughout the territory of the wilaya, especially in the mountainous areas (Al ouarsenis , Al-Dhara and Bani Shograne) and along the valleys and streams.Taking into account the uniqueness of the waters of these sources with unique therapeutic properties for certain incurable and chronic diseases, they have become a pole of attraction for inhabitants of all social strata and all ages in search of comfort and treatment. , especially in spring and summer, when its water is exploited in a traditional and random way, which has worsened its situation. Over time, due to the lack of direct and indirect protection zones, which made it vulnerable to various types of pollution, as most of them are exposed to flooding, especially those located near the banks of the rivers. valleys There is also a total deficit in reception facilities at the level of these feverish sources in the state.The richness of this natural heritage is not only possible in its abundance but in its diversity, where the presence of almost different mineral water species is recorded and the temperature recorded when the water emerges at the surface reaches ( 51 ° C).Studies were conducted on four feverish sources in the state by the National Foundation for Tourism Studies in 1984:1-Hammam Sidi Bouabdellah (douar Sidi Ibrahim) Municipality of Sidi Khattab, Landfill District: Its temperature at emission is (51 ° C) and the flow is estimated at (04 L / s) and its water contains a high percentage of sodium chlorate and bicarbonate.2-Ain El Jenia bath (Douar Awlad Sidi Ibrahim): the town of Sidi Khattab, the landfill district: it contains a high percentage of chlorate and sodium bicarbonate, and the water temperature of Ain El Genieh at emission is (48 ° C), where the flow rate is estimated at (30 l / s).3-Ain Mentila bath: Ami Musa commune, Relizane state, and its water temperature is (31 ° C) and its flow rate is estimated at (06 L / s).It became clear through the study of identification and categorization of new areas and extension sites in the state that the source and the surrounding area administratively belong to the municipality of the stadium, the state of Tissemsilt, where the local authorities of the state of Relizane seek to include it in its administrative territory, and this because it cannot be exploited by the state of Tissemsilt due to the difficulty of access to it and that is due to the lack of paths leading to the source and to the region as a whole from side of the state of Tissemsilt.4-Bani Issad bath: (Bani Issaad roundabout) Municipality of Mundas: The temperature of the water at the emission is estimated at (30 ° C), and according to the classification of specialists, the water from this source is medium temperature water rich in chlorine, sodium, sulfur and calcium ions, its flow rate is estimated at (06 L / Tha).

Invest in the field of sources:

Obtaining a concession for the use and exploitation of thermal water or sea water (for the benefit of sea water treatment centers) is subject to the provisions of Executive Decree 69-07 of February 19. 2007, as amended and supplemented by Executive Decree 19-150 of April 29, 2019, specifying the conditions and modalities of access Concession for the use and exploitation of thermal waters.A concession right application file is filed, in (03) three copies, at the level of the State Department of Tourism and Handicrafts, after a favorable opinion from the responsible regional governor. If approved by this committee, the concession is granted by decision of the responsible regional governor.The decision to grant the concession right is attached to the specifications defining all the rights and duties related to the protection activity with which the concessionaire is required to work.

Application file for a concession for the use and exploitation of hydrothermal or seawater:

1- A request which includes the following information: • The name of the candidate for the concession, his name and domicile, and in the case of the legal person, the name of the company, as well as the address of its registered office, • The name of the hot water source which requested the concession or the shore in relation to marine waters,• the geographical coordinates specifying the location of the thermal spring or the point of attraction of sea water, for which the concession is requested, • The distance between the seawater attraction point and the start of the beach, for seawater treatment establishments, and the geographic coordinates of the seawater attraction point. 2- The approval of the competent regional governor.3- A copy of the contract of ownership, lease or concession of the land on which the foundation establishment will be built.4- A descriptive statement and an appropriate scale of the planned hydraulic attraction and traction installations, with precise information on the daily volume of hot water required.5-A descriptive statement and diagrams with a scale appropriate to the configuration of the feverish establishment, including all the configurations expected to be carried out or which have been carried out.6-Bacteriological analyzes of febrile or marine waters at the level of the gravitational point.7- Physico-chemical analyzes and curative properties of febrile waters if the febrile source requested in concession has not been inventoried during the update of the febrile evolution.8-A technical-economic study of the thermal spa project.9-The articles of association of the company, if applicable.